Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'll find peace within, hearing your voice again when songbirds sing

There are a couple things that take getting used to when being in the house alone for extended periods of time regularly, and one of those things is not having an audience around you.

For example, one time I totally figured out the Monk episode about five minutes into the show and there was nobody around to see my awesomeness. So I yelled to no one in particular how awesome I was.

Today, I attempted to do the shoulder stand yoga pose and almost seriously injured myself in a comical way, and nobody was around to see it. It was strikingly disappointing.

I can now understand why cat ladies talk to themselves. Sometimes, you just crave hearing another person's voice in real life, even if it's just your own.


Teeps said...

"Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence, answering yourself however is a sign of madness!" - Einstein

Jean said...

oh my.

Jean said...

that's a good song though.