Thursday, November 20, 2008

In defense of all that is good

PETA has targeted a new menace to animals everywhere, a notorious fiend widely known for her torturing of animals. Oh yes, she is evil, people, and horrible beyond compare. Even her very visage brings terror to all who look upon her, especially innocent wildlife everywhere.

They call her...Cooking Mama.

Oh yes. She is to be feared, my friends. Especially if you watch this PETA video: brave PETA animators infiltrated Majesco's secret laboratories to film this shocking exposé, a rare glimpse into what Cooking Mama can and will do to innocent animals in the name of cuisine.

It's bad enough that Cooking Mama will slaughter innocent animals in the name of sustenance and survival, but she has released several games for the Nintendo DS and Wii that brainwashes little children and adults alike into a numbness towards murder. Yes, cutesy graphics and really funny Japanese Engrish cannot hide what Cooking Mama's real agenda is - to bathe the world in the blood of animals.

"I would never put rat in my Ratatouille. Like any accomplished cook, I create my recipes to appeal to a broad range of tastes and preferences. My only goal is to ensure you leave the table well fed," Mama said in a press release in response to the new video. But we all know who the true Mama is; we all know the evil that lurks behind those eyes. We've all felt the wrath of her anger when we fail to uphold her rigorous standards while learning recipes.

It's too late, Mama. We know the truth. Thanks to PETA.

1 comment:

kacie said...

Speaking of speaking of the devil. I just received an email from PETA asking me to take a survey on which PETA posters I liked best, so I was browsing through a million of their ads when I read your post. I agree that some of their methods to get their message out are pretty much stupid and a waste of everyone's time. But they also have several positive messages they advertise in more effective and tasteful ways. Messages like simply to spay or neuter your pet and not to wear fur. But trying to get the average American to convert to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is going to take so much more than a picture of a celebrity or some twisted little video game. It's like converting religions! It changes your whole life! Egads, peta.