Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I like it when you ah, ah

Dantzel and I walk into our apartment, and we had left the heater running at around 75 degrees. Combined with the fact we just walked in from the cold, Dantzel said out loud, "Man, it's hot in here."

Which I then picked up with a falsetto voice, "So take off all your clothes; I am gettin' so hot I'm gonna take mah clothes off."

I glance over at Dantzel and she looks really confused. So I ask, "You've never heard that song before?"


"Oh man, it's hilariously stupid. That's how the chorus goes." And I sing it for her again.

"That's a real song?"

"That's what I asked, but yeah. I heard it on the radio and thought it was fake, but it turned out to be real and I was so mad. It was offensive to music in general, but all of my friends loved it."

After educating Dantzel on the virtues of Nelly, I then realized this wasn't the first time I've sung that chorus mockingly in front of her. In fact, I remember singing it in front of her while we were dating several times. And I realized that during those instances, she had no idea what I was talking about. She either thought I was crazy, or as my sister puts it so lovingly, a man whore.

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