Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it

So apparently the CERN Haldron Supercollider turned on today, and apparently I missed all the hype of how it's going to end the world by creating a mini-black hole or an earth ending explosion because of the creation of anti-matter or something. I'm wondering how much of this fear is created by Dan Brown's Angels and Demons portraying anti-matter as the end of the world bomb and CERN as practically a terrorist cell. Curse you, Dan Brown! First mainstream Christianity and now particle physicists?!

But on the plus side, we do have the following video. Aside the cheesy rap, it's actually quite informative of what scientists are trying to do, and now my interest is piqued. So if you get to read this blog before our earth is engulfed in a black hole, check it out:

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