Friday, August 1, 2008

Another one

I think my drawings are getting a little bit better. This is a good sign.

1 comment:

Teeps said...

Exactly! What ever happened to all those crazy hippies who swore they'd move to Canada if President Bush got re-elected? Why are they still here complaining? You make a great point though, we Americans often forget or don't realize and fully appreciate how nice it really is living here. We complain so much about our government and everything and yet there are so many people who would give everything they have to get here.
Granted, it is the right of every citizen to criticize the government without fear of repercussion, but rather than sitting around and complaining, if people really see something they want changed they need to get out and change it, or find a congressman/senator/president, etc. who will and vote! We do too much talking in this country and too little anything else.