Sunday, April 12, 2009

Obama Unveils New Tax Plan, Conservatives Oppose

WASHINGTON, D.C., - President Obama unveiled a new tax plan in a press conference today, calling for a 10% flat tax of all forms of income, as well as a new emphasis in infrastructure, responsible welfare, education opportunities and a new service program. However, conservatives are calling the new plan "Un-American" and "Un-Christian".

Calling it the Hope Tax, Obama spoke of the new 10% flat tax as "reasonable" and "doable for every American, no matter what their income bracket." Along with the new flat tax, Obama has also introduced a new emphasis in rebuilding infrastructure, including youth centers servicing youth between the ages of 12 and 18 and counseling centers for marriages and addiction rehabilitation.

In addition, Obama has called for restructuring the welfare program to what the White House calls a more "responsible type of welfare." Local workers would meet with families and independently decide whether the family required immediate assistance, whether in money to help pay for things such as medical expenses and rent or simply a food donation drawn from local food banks, which Obama has dubbed "American Storehouses." In addition to this new program, Obama has called for increased humanitarian aid for natural disaster relief, both domestic and foreign.

A new program was also unveiled, called the Positive Education Fund, or PEC. Citing studies where many families find it difficult to break out of the cycle of poverty due to lack of funds for advancing in higher education, President Obama called for a new fund that would help students on a case to case basis depending on need, giving out interest free loans to help students attend trade or vocational schools.

Perhaps most controversial is the new service program. Available to youth between the ages of 19 to 25, eligible applicants would be sent to random areas of the United States depending on a basis of need and help as community organizers. Drawing from his own experiences as a community organizer, Obama said, "This new program will require sacrifice of progression in schooling or career for our young people. But in return, they will gain something priceless. They will learn how to help those around them, gain valuable experience and a deeper appreciation for America and her people."

While the new service program is not compulsory as some rumors indicated, it will be subsidized with taxpayer dollars, which some conservatives feel is too liberal.

"A 10% tax on all incomes is unreasonable," Gov. Sarah Palin said in a speech responding to the press conference. "Hard working Americans simply cannot afford such a steep tax." In addition, several members of the Republican Party said the new plan was "Un-American," as well as "Un-Christian."

"God would never ask a Christian nation - which Obama mistakes when he says we are not - such impossible demands. It's Un-American and Un-Christian," one Congressman said, who wishes to remain unnamed.

The news is also throwing the blogosphere into a perfect storm. "Look, if some hippie college kid wants to go help people, that's fine, but he's doing it on his own time and own dime," semi-famous local blogger Mark Kelly wrote in a post responding to Obama's plans. "But asking Americans to do this kind of stuff is ridiculous. The Founding Fathers never meant for Americans to help each other or live in some kind of tight-knit community. We were founded on three principles - Freedom from government, Capitalism and God-Fearing Christian Values taught by Jesus."

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