Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You make me complete; you make me completely miserable

Recently, my schedule has been growing more and more complex, considering I've decided to tag along with Dantzel most of the time to work and study out in the library and sometimes when she goes to school. Add this to the household chores which never seem to get done, trying to go back to the temple on a regular basis, the attempt to exercise, family events and so forth, it has caused us to be the constantly bustling couple.

Of course, we get time to relax from time to time, and it's during this time when I completely binge on the internet.

The internet is both an incredible tool and a curse. I can connect with my friends all over the world, I can keep up on current events, watch the Daily Show, read webcomics and read interesting articles. But after a while, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr becomes another chore. If washing dishes or folding the laundry was addictive.

We have a tendency as humans to allow our possessions to take over our lives, and take over it has. However, technology can also increase our mobility and flexibility. Before, you had to sit down at a computer and hammer out a blog entry; now you have micro-blogging with Twitter. Before, you had to email at a certain geographical location; now we can send messages wherever we are with text messaging. Music is now on the go with mp3 players. Even clunky laptops are becoming smaller and smaller.

Of course, staying away from the internet is nigh impossible in our day and age. Unless my professor wants me to Twitter my 10 page papers to her 140 characters at a time, there will be occasions when I will have to log in. But it isn't completely necessary to also open up the Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Flickr, blogs, webcomics, Meebo, etc.

But a little cutting back I think is in order. The internet has come to dominate an unhealthy amount of my time, and I think it's about time to put it in its proper place. I have just about everything I can to go on for the most part, using technology to stay in close touch with my various friends. I think it's time to go on networking hiatus for the time being and concentrate on some of the more important things in life.


Jean said...

i think that might be a good idea my love :)

Anonymous said...

Indeed, a noble cause if I ever heard one :)