Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mormonpedia - someone needs to make that

Wikipedia is a lot of fun to randomly surf, because you can get to two completely random subjects that are still somehow related to each other (example: Arthur C. Clarke > 2001: A Space Oddyssey > HAL > Fictional Computers > GLaDOS > Portal > Jonathan Coulton > Baby Got Back).

Apparently, LDS.org can be fun to randomly surf, too, as I perused the topic of euthenasia and abortion, and then went to the next link, which was an FHE recipe for homemade ice cream.

During the course of my excursion, I stumbled across these cute stories of those precocious LDS children submitted to the Ensign in 1972:

During an unusually long program, my two-year-old daughter became restless. I told her that if she didn’t settle down she would be taken out and spanked. Ten minutes later, she whispered to me, “Mom, take me out and spank me.”

—Bonnie Schwab, Salt Lake City, Utah

It was one of those exciting sacrament meetings. The stake president had announced to an overflow congregation the realignment of boundaries, making three wards out of two. He repeated the boundary lines several times to eliminate confusion. Then he went on to announce the names of the three new bishoprics. It was a long and emotional meeting. The impact was even felt by our six-year-old. As we left the meeting she asked apprehensively, “Daddy, are we still Mormons?”

—Mrs. J. Gary Sheets, Holladay, Utah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Try mormonpedia.com