Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Bush (indirectly) defused an international crisis!

According to sources, French president Sarkozy met with Putin when intelligence reports found Russia was plotting on overthrowing the Georgian government and setting up a puppet regime. Sarkozy told Putin the international community would not stand for such an action, to which Putin said, "I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls."

When questioned by a most likely mildly shocked Sarkozy, Putin justified his statement by saying, "Why not? The Americans hanged Saddam Hussein."

"Ah, yes but do you want to end up like Bush?" Sarkozy responds.

Putin was taken aback and had no answer, until finally responding with, "Ah, you have scored a point there."

I would like to point out that this moment could not have happened without Bush's unpopularity with the world abroad. Without the prospects of turning into a well known international scapegoat, would Sarkozy have been able to convince Putin otherwise of doing unspeakable things to Georgian president Saakashvili? Apparently the French president is trying to take credit for this peace brokerage, but let it be known that this exchange was brought to you by our current Administration's foreign policies.

In other news, the story that Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent and not a country turns out to be a hoax. Unsettling for Governor Palin is the fact that when people found out about the hoax news story, they were flabergasted that this type of woman could almost become vice-president (and possibly president), but not really that surprised.

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