Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Great Recession-Proof Food/Cooking Experiment! - Days Two and Three

If there is one phrase that could characterize the past two days of this experiment, it would be this:

Epic Fail.

Both days we went out to eat because we felt lazy, and we spent a total of approximately $26 on food. Second day involved us going to fast food, the second buying breakfast at Denny's. We then went to the farmer's market and bought a giant loaf of sun-dried tomato and pine nut bread, as well as a bag of mini-plums.

This is obviously going to be harder than we thought. We are already well half the limit of the proposed budget and we're still not even one week in. Something is going to have to change.

The culprit, of course, is eating out. It eats up a significant amount of money. I suppose we could feasibly live on around $20 for the next 27 days, but it doesn't sound very pleasant. Still, we'll try our best not to eat out and try and meet our goal. Though we aren't as fanatical as the Supersize Me guy. If it starts killing us, it'll be time to regroup and see a different angle in tackling our goal.

One lesson we have learned. Don't eat out if you want to save money. It's like soda pop to your health - ridiculously destructive, but so easy to get addicted to.

Daily total spent: Approx. $26, for Denny's, a bag of mini plums and an awesome loaf of bread made up of pine nuts and sun-dried tomatoes
Cumulative total: Approx. $28

1 comment:

Connie said...

Yeah....eating hurts my wallet too...