Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's in a name? Would a blog by any name be just as amateur and unread?

I decided to do a little face lift and change the name of my blog. In a sense, this blog has metamorphosed from rantings of my high school years to college years, to post-mission college years and finally to my newlywed married year (well, five months so far). It was time, I decided, to retire my blog name for now. I had felt somewhat uneasy and directionless as far as blogging goes, a smattering of thoughts, ideas, ramblings and complaints smashed into a buffet line of blogging, but I wanted to tighten the focus more and pick a subject to write about and stick with it.

Besides, Confessions of a Seattlite? I haven't lived in Seattle for over five years now. There isn't much to confess. True, I was able to anchor my life around the Emerald City when I proposed there, but that's been over a year. It was time to move on and adapt to my new surroundings, namely, the claustrophobically close Wasatch Front mountains. It was time for a change.

And thus, the new title, born inside my head as I was washing the dishes (an appropriate religiously sanctioned co-habitation activity). People are constantly asking me about how married life is. How to start an explanation? Marriage is probably the biggest transition in my life, moving from a single, lonely existence to a paired off existence living with someone else and trying to build a life with each other. It's exciting and enjoyable, but at times also slightly traumatic, though those moments of fear pass quickly for me. It's only been five months or so and already hundreds of mini-stories, events, adventures, activities, tragedies and so forth have unfolded of which I've failed to record dutifully for whatever reason. One of these stories could belong to a single cut in a diamond, all of them making up the multiple facets and brilliant light that married life has the potential to become. Marriage, in short, is complex, both fantastic and frightening at the same time.

Which, of course, is why I boil my answer down to "Pretty good!" Because nobody really wants you to sit there and babble about the complexity of feelings rushing through you as you wake up with your wife as she prepares for work and you hunker down at your laptop desk studying by yourself, with no one to talk to physically generally for hours at a time. Or the simple pleasure of housework, the pride that accompanies from washing the dishes, keeping up a decently clean home and washing out the fish tank for algae even though nobody asked you to.

But if I start writing down our adventures and the myriad of emotions that often follow the first years of marriage, I can start referring people to my blog whenever they ask, "So how's the married life?" I'll hand them a little business card and reply, "It's on my blog," and move on with my life. Which has been a goal of mine since I was 16. The business card thing, not moving on with life. Though that's a goal too.

1 comment:

Teeps said...

I'm glad to say that i can agree! Religiously sanctioned Co-Habitation is an amazing thing!! You and the Mrs. will have to come over and spend some time with my Mrs. and me! (p.s. we have an invitation to our wedding for you, but unfortunately it got returned to us and has been sitting on our fridge ever since. We do want to give you one, we just haven't yet. Sorry!!)