Friday, September 5, 2008

Rocking the boat in a non-vaguely dirty way

As a feisty, young editorial cartoonist for my high school paper, one of my favorite things to do was to intentionally cause a stir by drawing out (literally) an opinion that went against the majority. This is not to say that I was extreme; in a fairly liberal school, just saying something centrist could get you on a lot of peoples' bad sides. But as a kid, I firmly believed that journalists were to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." If I didn't make a cartoon that made people flinch, I felt like I wasn't doing my job. But this cartoon by David Horsey is pretty ballsy even by my high school standards:

At first glance, this cartoon could be wrong on so many levels (skim through the comments section on his website and you'll know most people felt it was). But when you look into it deeper, it does tell a lot of how we look at torture and the very hypocritical way we've dealt with the subject. Either way, it's definitely taking aim and firing at one of our sacred cows for American society. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to the reader.


Flaw said...

Sacred cows make the best hamburger.

Flaw said...

It's right up there with Unicorn steak, actually.

Quinton said...

Two things: 1) Not at all offended. Thought it was funny. 2) YOU THOUGHT NEWPORT WAS LIBERAL?!? :O