Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ready, Set, Green - Eating Your Way Green

Ah, week two already?

As explained by the chapter's title, this week is about eating. This is both a good and a bad thing. Good because Dantzel and I love eating. To us, the social aspect of it, as well as the creativity of it all in making new dishes and baking new sweets, makes cooking (and eating!) one of the most rewarding activities you can practice.

A bad thing, because our eating and cooking habits are very well entrenched. Change may be difficult.

Some of the suggestions, we are doing, such as "If you're an omnivore, eat one to two fewer servings of meat this week." We are not completely vegetarian, but we don't eat a lot of meat, so doing this suggestion would basically turn us into vegetarians. While I would normally be all for this, I bought a pound of ground organic buffalo meat today that's sitting in my fridge, and I need to use it before it goes bad. But we've decided not to buy any meat for the rest of this week, at least.

American eating habits are notoriously unsustainable. It requires a lot of change. This week, we're taking the opportunity to try and give our eating habits a complete overhaul. Difficult, for sure, but there's no fun unless there's a sense of challenge, right?

Some planned projects for the week:

- Expand the small patio garden we have going.
- Attending the farmer's market.
- An attempt at learning how to can and preserve fruit (hilarious hijinks bound to ensue!).
- Avoid eating out this week and post some recipes that we have made instead.

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