Monday, August 11, 2008

"Are you a Yoshi?"

I was raised on Dragonball, the quirky original series by Akira Toriyama. It was hilariously funny and an irreverent take on the Journey to the West and entertained me as a child. When Dragonball Z came out, I watched it for about four months before I realized that an episode was about fifteen minutes of men standing around screaming as if they were constipated, ripping the earth around them, and five minutes of plot progression.

Dragonball Z is somewhat notorious for being ridiculously long and drawn out. Thus, when I stumbled upon this parody that abridges the Dragonball Z episodes, and then provides their own voice overs, I laughed. You don't need to know anything about Dragonball Z to enjoy them, but if you have seen Dragonball Z, you will find them pretty hilarious. So far, only three episodes, but still pretty funny.

1 comment:

Quinton said...

Ted, I have never seen an episode of Dragonball Z in my life...but these are awesome! Haha. My only wish is that I HAD seen Dragonball Z so that they were even funnier...