Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A childhood memory I'd rather not pass down

Apparently, because of the rise in fuel and energy costs, there are many rural school districts cutting down to 4 day weeks.

Apparently, it's working out great. They've cut down budgets quite a bit and also have experienced unexpected perks, such as a boost in school attendance and performance. The big drawback, however, is that families that have two working parents have a harder time taking care of their children.

I can see the stories now that I'll tell my children. "When I was your age," I'd start, "We had to go to school five days a week! None of this four days a week garbage! And we used to have cars that only got 15 miles per gallon!"

"Whatever, dad," my kid will reply, while rolling his eyes. "You used to still use oil back then? Geez, you're old."

Then I'll mumble something under my breath and start reading my New York Times on the iKindle.


Flaw said...

Obviously, the solution is to go to 4-day work weeks.


Flaw said...

(Actually my dad now has Fridays off every other week. The scheduling is finagled so that every week is 40 hours but they split the week across a day for tax purposes. Still, it's pretty nice. And innovative HR coming from a defense contractor!)