Friday, March 7, 2008

Wedding Watch '08 and other things

Just like Kirsa predicted, we still have a little less than two months to go, and already Dantzel and I wish the engagement period would just end.

Engagement is a funny thing; you basically have one foot firmly planted in your previous single life, but your other foot is tremulously stretching across the vast gulf that seperates you from married life. And then, as that foot tentatively steps into new territory, you must sit there, straddling the abyss, for several months.

We read recently in a wedding magazine that people should be engaged for at least a year. I do not know how they can handle it.

I have not felt normal since this last December now, mostly, because I now feel more like a guest or a vagabond in my apartment than a permenant resident. This is amplified by the fact that I have adopted the couch as my bed, the reason being that we have established a tradition to see each other in the mornings before we seperate for our respective destinations, and afraid I won't hear my alarm, I sleep in the front room so Dantzel can slip into my apartment in the mornings and personally wake me up.

This mentality of not belonging affects other aspects of my life. My room is a mess, mostly because if I'm going to move soon anyway, why clean it up when I will have to pack it all up again? It feels my life is on hold, awaiting breathlessly for that next major transition in life which will, ironically, make it so much easier. Combined rent makes it easier to pay, and with two incomes and the ability to combine them to achieve our goals, we will have the ability to accomplish things we had only hoped for or dreamed of. The knowledge that you will always have your best friend right next to you, from the moment you wake up until the end of the day when you can collapse into bed with them feels like an eternity away.

We currently have finished up most of our wedding plans - the reception and its related slew of items, the wedding dress, picking a date, reserving the temple, honeymoon plans, bridesmaid dresses, writing up the invitation lists and getting the rings ready. We only have to make and print and mail out the invitations and buy me a nice snazzy suit and we're good to go. Two months before.

Eloping, unfortunately, is not a viable option.

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