Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some of the best things in life are free

Yesterday, I was talking to Dantzel at work and she said she had to go because they were having an office lunch.

Little did we know, that after this lunch, our lives would change. Forever.

Apparently, her work had the lunch for her, because she was getting married. And then, they presented her with a 5 day cruise to Mexico. Free of charge. Even the gratuity was paid.

So we figured we'll adjust our current plans to honeymoon at Seattle and switch it to Mexico. But her ever clever co-workers had known our plans for doing so and simply planned the cruise for the week after our honeymoon. It's all very exciting. Not only will Dantzel and I cavort around Seattle for a week together - with a Senate concert in tandem - but we will then the week after go on our very first cruise in our marriage - nay, our lives - for another week in frickin' doo dah Mexico.

In other words, we're going on two honeymoons.

Did I mention one of them was free?

I will get this hat, if it's the last thing I do. And then I will wear it. In public.

1 comment:

kacie said...

hey man, that is one awesome wedding gift. count me as one of the jealous! and you will get to experience WARM WEATHER.